It’s no secret that saving money and sticking to a budget requires discipline, especially when it comes to reducing and eliminating unnecessary expenses. While it may seem like a daunting task, taking a few simple steps to cut back on unnecessary spending can lead to big long-term benefits. Establish a Budget The first step to controlling your spending and reducing ...

When planning for a big expense, such as a wedding or home renovation, it can be difficult to figure out how much to budget for the project.Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take to make sure you stay on budget. Set a realistic budget Before you start planning for a big purchase or project, it is important to ...

Investments are often seen as risky business, but when done strategically, they can be a powerful tool for reaching wealth-building goals, while also supporting your budget. That’s because investments can provide consistent returns that are greater than what a savings account can offer. What are investments? Investments are a way to put your money to work for you. With investments, ...

Money management is a foundational skill that can help children form healthy financial habits they can take with them into adulthood. Teaching children good money management helps them learn how to think ahead and plan for their future. Before you can teach your children about money, it’s important to understand what money is and why it’s important to manage. What ...

Taxes can have a dramatic effect on your budget, so understanding the differences between various taxes and how they’re applied is essential. As a taxpayer, it’s important to be familiar with the different types of taxes you may owe, as well as how to minimize their impact on your budget. Types of Taxes Taxes can be broken down into two ...

When it comes to achieving your financial goals, budgeting and allocating your spending is key. After all, if you don’t know where your money is going, how will you know what to save for? Setting priorities for your spending is essential to make sure you’re able to reach your financial goals. Create a budget and stick to it Creating a ...

Vacations are an important part of family life. They help us to relax, unwind and bond with our loved ones. Yet, all too often, we’re constrained by the cost of a family vacation. The good news is that if you plan ahead, you can afford a great getaway without breaking the bank. Here are a few tips for saving for ...

Sticking to a budget can often be a challenge. You may not even realize how much you’re spending until it’s too late. But tracking your spending and sticking to your budget is an important step in taking control of your finances. Here are some tips for doing just that. Create a Budget The first step in tracking your spending and ...

Pinning down a budget for a family can seem daunting, but it’s an important step to make sure everyone in the household is on the same page when it comes to financial matters. Doing so can lead to not only a better handle on household finances, but can also build a stronger foundation of financial stability and security as a ...

These days, the effects of the novel coronavirus are being felt worldwide. Many individuals are now facing high levels of stress and change in their lives, and this can make it difficult to stick to a budget. However, with the right strategies and tools, it is possible to maintain your financial plan in these turbulent times. Here are some tips ...